
You CAN Send High-Volume Email Affordably

You CAN Send High-Volume Email Affordably

 Tech Gurus and Mailing Noobs Can All Benefit from VoloMP Stop Merely Dipping your Toe! You have no excuse. If your current ESP has you hitting the sending ceiling, VoloMP is here for you. ALL your technical questions, answered. ALL your set-up fears, calmed. Yes maintaining your own IPs can be challenging but YOU. CAN.
Do Not Become a Feedback Loop Yahoo

Do Not Become a Feedback Loop Yahoo

Get Interested in your “ISP Credit Score” Now! How learning about Feedback Loops feels (but, ya gotta do it anyway!!): Sure, it’s fun to joke about feedback loops but your email marketing life will be much improved once you drink the FL  Kool Aid.  Don’t be shy. DO it! READ about feedback loops.
Gmail Promotions Tab and Deliverability

Gmail Promotions Tab and Deliverability

The True Impact of Gmail’s Major 2013 Promotions Tab Change In 2013 Cronuts were trending, Miley Cyrus was ridding high on her “Wrecking Ball” and Gmail implemented the dreaded “Promotions tab.” Mailers were in a panic. It seemed almost certain that the new Promotions Tab would wreck email marketing. But did the Promotions Tab become
New Mailer Dilemma

New Mailer Dilemma

The New High-Volume Mailer Challenge: When a new mailer tells me he’s new to bulk mailing but, he just bought a great list:
General Internet Deliverability How To

General Internet Deliverability How To

High-Volume Email Marketing to GI Domains Those new to high-volume email marketing tend to get their start by mailing to GI domains or General Internet addresses. What Does “General Internet” Stand for? Or, “What’s “GI”?” GI is short for General Internet. It’s got nothing to do with “gastro-intestinal” nor “government issue” anything. It’s a catch-all
Truth: GI Mailing is Hard

Truth: GI Mailing is Hard

GI Mailing Email Marketing (especially GI mailing) Can be as Sad as Ben Affleck’s Batman How it feels when your domains are blacklisted, your IPs are burned to the ground and you hear about how other people are KILLING IT with g.i. mailing.    
IP Reputation Verses Domain Reputation

IP Reputation Verses Domain Reputation

Key Email Deliverability Issues IP reputation verses domain reputation. Why should you care about either and what’s the difference? If you’re already sending large volumes of email everyday, you can answer this question already. But if you are new to mailing off your own IPs it’s important that you grasp the difference. High volume email
Warming Up IPs for Yahoo

Warming Up IPs for Yahoo

Friends Don’t Let Friends Mail Off Cold IPs That feeling you get when you realize your mailer “friend” KNOWS how to to warming-up IPs for Yahoo but…never told you.