We are happy to reward anyone bringing in new business! Refer a friend and we will make it worth your while for doing so. Please…
Author: webboss

New Client Orientation
Considering the number of individual pages on the Volo web interface a new user might feel overwhelmed. Actually, once we get over the hump of…

New macros/tags
We are happy to report once more about the rapid cycle between clients expressing desire for a certain feature and our boys delivering. This time…

XML Feeds
We had a client say he needs a certain feature, namely embedding content from an XML feed into his emails. Literally within 5 business days…

Volo Free Trial
You can try out a Volo, for a week, for free! All features included. We will charge only for the ips ($5 per). Or bring…

Guest post - Xverify
Hello there! Our friends from Xverify certainly deserve your attention when it comes to cleaning and verifying your data, thus we are happy to present…

Bye Bye AOL and Yahoo Hello Oath
Verizon Moves AOL Mail to the Yahoo Email Infrastructure. Verizon, AOL and Yahoo email are all morphing into one entity called, Oath. Oath will encompass…